Climate Change detail
40″ x 28″
Artist statement
It’s all around us. Drought. Floods. Hotter. Colder.
It affects people, but it also affects trees, and trees make a difference. From the National Wildlife Federation’s web page: Trees are a truly beautiful part of the natural environment, but they are also amazingly efficient machines—constantly working to make Earth a healthier planet. But they’re not just part of the natural environment, they make our planned environments better. And about that healthier part—trees take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. That’s why I decided to incorporate the Lewis structures for O2 and CO2 into this piece.
As for my quilt, I don’t tend to compose symmetrically. This was a nice change. I hope you enjoy my whimsical piece about such a serious topic.
You can see work in progress images of my art quilts on Instagram and read more about this quilt on the Cloth in Common website.